martes, 24 de mayo de 2011

Go On With Spain...

Some of the most important changes when LOE was allowed are:
-The school has the obligation to offer Religion as a subject to free choose
-Students should repeat the course if they fail 2 or more subjects
-A new subject: "Educación para la Ciudadanía" (Education for citizenship)

This subject create a lot of problems in the conservative side of the spanish society.
They said that the Estate is stoling the moral education of the children from theis parents, who should decide about the education of their children. But the goverment tried to explain that the subject will be use to educate in democratic values and tolerance.
The Catholic church is totally against the subject, calling it totalitarian,and critizing points refers to sexual education, teaching about monoparental or homosexual families and state indoctrination.
Also some sectors of the anarquism said that it doesnt teach others ways of social organization, inducing the system of parliamentary democracy.

After the goverment said that the subject will be as obligatory in schools, some parents appealed to higher courts of the autonomous communities, with mixed results:
The mayority of tribunals decide to go on with the project of subject, but in some of the communities the subjects is offers as free choose, but not bligatory.
 I dont know how political and religious ideal can affects the education of a "democratic" country. Parents says that they have the right to choose about their children education, but then, they leave all the responsabilities n the school, and overall, in the teachers.

From 2009, Education for Citizenship and Human Rights is teached in spanish schools supporting:

For the next entries, i will talk about how Primary is stablished (degrees and grades), problems and what to do after Secondary, and the newest change in the University System.
the development of free people and people of  integrity, through the consolidation of self-esteem, personal dignity, freedom and responsibility and the formation of future citizens with their own criteria, respectful, participatory and supportive, with knowledge of their rights, assume their civic duties and develop behavior that allow them practice citizenship effectivelyand responsibly 



lunes, 23 de mayo de 2011

Educational System in Spain

This entry could be very long, for this reason I will do it in diferents entries.
 This one, the 1st one, will be about how we get our actual educational system, after many changes in the goberment.

Spain had a very big lateness respect the rest of Europe, in every aspect, obviously education was afeccted also.
The first change was in 1857, when the main aim was to put a limit in the influence that the church had on the school.
After that, a new renovation didnT arrive until 1970, when Spain wanted to be more close to Europe, they stablished the obligatory education from 6 to 14 years.
With the arrive of the Democracy in 1975, we had 3 more educational "renovations" until arrive to L.O.E, our actual system, 2006, after 16 years with the same system (LOGSE).

Now we can stablish the Spainsh Educational System like this:

- Educación Infantil (kindergarten): between 0 and 6 years and no obligatory.
 Until 3 years it is not free, kindergarten used to be private, or, even though they belong to a comunity, families have to pay for it. 
From 3 to 6 years old, they are inside the school, and it is free. 

- Educación Básica (basic education): between 6 to 16 years, which is obligatory and, therefore, free, includding:
            - Primary Education: 6 courses
            - Secondary Education (E.S.O): 4 courses

After that point, appears 2 years more, no obligatory, and we can say that no totally free. 

To sum up this is how are divided grades in the L.O.E system.
In the followings post I will tell you what L.O.E supports, How Primary is stablish and teached, what are the problems in Secondary, and what to do after E.S.O. Also our newest change in the University System  =)

Here your have a video, where you can see how was Spain, during 1939 until 1976,and what the dictatorship wanted to show to the Nation.Also you can see how Franco (Spanish dictator) try to talk in English. 
NO-DO was like a kind of news in shorts films that the TV showed during the dictatorship.
I hope U like it  =)

viernes, 6 de mayo de 2011

Game over...

These are the words that I will read in a couple of months...
I don`t know if I want to stay here or not, I mean, I miss my family, my friends, but... I get here a lot of importants things for my life...and now, It supossed that I have to go on with my life and put in a side all these things...
I don`t thing I would do that.
In a couple of weeks I have to travel to Spain, because I have a family celebration, I will be in "my normal life" for one week, and then, when I come back, I know just 2 weeks more and this adventure will finish.
In all this months I didnT want to think about this. Always these things come to my mind, but, I trought them away from there. But, now, I feel like a cannot stop to think in the final of this experience.
But, maybe exist something to do with the future...Maybe I can have all the things I have here after I leave Denmark. Maybe there is a chance for everything...

Btw, changing the topic, I realised that I like photography..I mean, I always like to take pictures but never do it. Here, we use to go out and walk and take nice pictures, and I really like it, and I also think that they are good =) Here are some of them:

 I know I have 2 months without write here, but, I always forget to write here, instead I write in a spanish website, where I have to write also, maybe because it is more easy for me to write in spanish. Here I have to check after write, the ortography =) what can I do? Im not perfect, but, however I think Im improving my english (or sth like that :) )

From now, my post will be about the sistem education in Spain and the newest subject about democracy. I thing it is interesting, and I know, that Peter is waiting for that :P

jueves, 10 de marzo de 2011

LiFe CHaNGe...

After 2 months in Vordingborg, my life has change completely. I had never thought that my view of my life would change during my Erasmus time.
I didnT expect nothing more than learn... but Im learning a lot about feelings, friendship, unfriendship, food, culture...
When I arrived I was so happy everyday because stay in DK again, after 7 years was sth very important for me. I dont have lost my happiness but now I look people with diferent eyes.
In Spain, in my daily life I use to be so "pasota", it is means I donT care bad things or bad people, just take them out of my way, but here I have to "fight" face to face with feelings and facts.
Im so friendly, I think, but I know what I want in my life... because that I change my way of thinking.. Now, Im happy as the day I arrived but my smile is not for everybody, because after a while I realised that in Vordingborg, people are double-faced.

On the other hand, I have discovered many things about me... I knew this things before but just I didnT care about this.
I  have my mind so clear about the things I want and I want to do.. and, of course, the people which I want to share everything.

Let's change the topic!

Im so exciting because Im realising a dream!! I love play and mix music and Müslüm and me are start a proyect, like a hobby but we have request alreday!! We started to play music in a radio online
this is the link! Im so happy with that. And this summer I will be my friend's Pub Dj!

sábado, 19 de febrero de 2011

Premiering Blog...*Friends*

In my view, I want to use this blog in a way in which I could say everything that happens in my mind...about everything... Im not a person who express the emotions but, my aim is change this.

Now is time for friendship.
i usually give my friendship to people who not deserve it, but I have found in this month, many wonderful persons and today I can call them FRIENDS.

Friendship for me is much more than go out or tell your stories.

..Is: to want to share everything of your life with them..good or bad

...Is: to have someone who knows everything about U

...Is: to have someone who never let U fall

...Is: to have someone who with a look, knows that something is happening...

And is: to have someone U can trust

And viceversa.

I have found this and Im going to do everything to keep it and save it.
I really feel good when Im with them, I need them and my time here is better because of them.
Im learning a lot of things, Im discovering to myself, and Im ready for this danish adventure.

Hello my FRIENDS!!! Here we go!!